Students’ reflections on an integrated research subject using a research-based learning online model during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Thailand

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Jiraporn Jaroenpool
Charuai Suwanbamrung
Nootchanat Sukkaew
MohammadAmin Dadras


Online education has become an important method of learning during the outbreak of COVID-19. The integrated research subject on research-based learning online (IRS-RBLO) model is an important active learning method for research methodology and research projects in the public health program. This study aimed to explore students' reflections both before and after the completion of an IRS-RBLO course. Employing a qualitative approach, a retrospective record review of open-ended questionnaires was conducted to explore the reflections of students in the field of community public health, both before and after their learning experiences. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the collected data, and a trustworthiness technique was implemented to ensure the validity of the identified themes. The study yielded findings from a cohort of 80 4th year university public health students. Prior to the intervention, an examination of the students' reflections encompassed five themes related to their challenges, as well as five themes pertaining to suggestions for improvement. Furthermore, an assessment was conducted on the areas where students sought support, which included the research advisor, the academic program, and the school/university, resulting in the identification of 5, 4, and 2 themes respectively. After learning the IRS-RBLO, the students reflected that they had good experiences with four themes while the other four themes needed to be improved for a better learning experience. Moreover, 20 learning experience activities were completed in 16 weeks. All stakeholders must formulate learning activities that are grounded in their students' issues, suggestions, requirements, and consideration should be given to both the research advisors and the program within the university's School of Public Health. Particularly, the university or school’s policy regarding the quality of learning is an important factor for the lecturers of the program for designing the course.


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How to Cite
Jaroenpool, J., Suwanbamrung, C., Sukkaew, N., & Dadras, M. (2023). Students’ reflections on an integrated research subject using a research-based learning online model during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Thailand. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 23(3), 695–707.
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