Strengthening national identity among Indonesian diaspora in general Santos city, Philippines

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Alfira Putri Rengganis
Andi Luhur Prianto
Ahmad Harakan
Arief Muchsin
Christine B. Tenorio
Aqmal Reza Amri


The presence of Indonesian diaspora communities in the Philippines is one of the logical consequences of globalization. This has facilitated the movement of citizens from one region to another making the communities vulnerable to identity issues. To address this, a community service program was initiated to strengthen national identity of an Indonesian diaspora community in Mindanao, Philippines. The program utilized the civic education model, encompassing three main components, namely civic knowledge, skills, and identity. A key aspect of this community service program involved conducting focus group discussions (FGD) to foster two-way interactions while using teaching aids, objects, and skills to impart knowledge about national identity, character, values, and cultural motivations. In addition, to support this program, some data on insight knowledge and introduction to nationality were gathered through interviews with the diaspora community. This was complemented by the collection of secondary data from official documents, notes, reports, and archives regarding the condition of the Indonesian diaspora community in General Santos, Philippines. Members of the diaspora community raised the issue of poor knowledge and recognition of nationalism that affected their citizen identity. To address this concern, the program provided diaspora members with an introduction to the geographical conditions, language, culture, and noble values of Indonesia, as encapsulated in Pancasila. The significance of civic education in diaspora communities cannot be overstated since the concept served as a primary solution to resolving identity crises experienced by diaspora members living overseas. By implementing the national insight introduction program, the awareness of Indonesian citizenship was integrated into the consciousness of each participating citizen, even those residing far away in other countries.


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