Tourism outsourcing relationship performance in Thailand

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Khwanruedee Ponchaitiwat
Peevara Parnitvitidkun


In rapidly changing situations, outsourcing with good partners is the best way to meet this challenge. What makes outsourcing relationship intensity in tourism so challenging is that, in part, outsourcing relationship commitment, inter-organizational trust, and communication quality, tour businesses haven’t managed systematically and are wrestling with how to make these relationships work. The study objectives are to investigate the relationship between outsourcing relationship commitment and outsourcing relationship performance, to investigate the relationship between communication quality and outsourcing relationship performance, and to investigate the relationship between inter-organizational trust and outsourcing relationship performance. The name lists of 400 tour firms in Thailand were selected based on a simple random sampling method. In the sampling process, 225 firms were confirmed by completing the questionnaires as the sample for the study. To test this research relationship, multiple regression analysis is applied. The results indicate that outsourcing relationship intensity such as inter-organization trust, communication quality, and outsourcing relationship commitment has a positive significant impact on outsourcing relationship performance. More than 50% of the respondents were conducting inbound and outbound business and had time operations of more than 5 years. According to the results, these findings highlight the effectiveness of outsourcing relationship performance between outsourcers and providers. Trust, sharing information, and responsible commitment are a solution where organizations provide effective communication services under a friendly work atmosphere to another organization for fulfilling their mutual performance needs and focusing on their core competencies. This study will serve as a guideline for tour business entrepreneurs in understanding the importance of outsourcing intensity which affects the outsourcing performance and brings these research results to apply to the organization to meet goals and increase survival organization. These study results will help to expand the outsourcing relationship intensity in the tourism field.


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How to Cite
Ponchaitiwat, K., & Parnitvitidkun, P. (2023). Tourism outsourcing relationship performance in Thailand. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 94–103.
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