Conceptual metaphor “virus SARS-CoV-2 as a criminal/terrorist” in Vietnamese online newspapers
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This paper conducts further analysis of metaphors correlating with the source domain “criminal/terrorist.” There are two main questions that the study attempts to answer: 1) What mechanism of thinking entails the use of metaphors with the source domain “criminal/terrorist” to discuss the virus Sars-CoV-2 in media coverage of the COVID-19 epidemic from Vietnamese online newspapers? and 2) Why do Vietnamese reporters and editors often use metaphors from the source domain “criminal/terrorist” to garner thought over Sars-CoV-2, notably during the period of the COVID-19 outbreak in Vietnam? Based on the interrelated relationship between the experience and knowledge reflected from the source domain to the target domain, this paper aims to unravel the notion that VIRUS SARS-CoV-2 IS A CRIMINAL/TERRORIST in Vietnamese online newspapers and elaborates on the hierarchical characteristics of the author’s conceptual thinking. Through the mapping structure, this paper demonstrates the appearance of three derivative metaphors in media coverage on the COVID-19 pandemic related to the three outstanding characteristics of the source domain of behavior, threat level, and the means which authorities undertake to hunt down said criminals/terrorists. The findings of the research show the use of war metaphors, with specialization into the aspect of “criminal/ terrorist” is used as strategy by Vietnamese media to guide discourse in order to create political motives. The metaphor of viruses as a type of criminal/terrorist also implies the severity and pushes for reductive methods and defensive actions, in turn enhancing public awareness on the prevention and eradication of the disease. This research paper will point to the specific way of thinking present in the conceptual structure of the virus SARS-CoV-2 and contribute to shedding light on the thinking of Vietnamese media on the pandemic and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic as a global catastrophe.
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