Initiatives of a state university in sustaining public services in the new normal

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Errol G. De Castro
Catherine A. De Castro


The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented changes to everyone around the world. It affected all sectors of society, including higher education institutions in the Philippines such as Sorsogon State University. This study employed qualitative research methods through document analysis and interviews in order to identify the initiatives of the university in sustaining the delivery of public services, particularly in administration, instruction, research, and extension during the time of the pandemic. Electronic copies of documents, reports, memoranda, and other information posted on the official website of the university and on the official Facebook page of the Office of Research, Development and Extension Services were reviewed and analyzed by the researchers. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director for Research, Development, and Extension Services, and the Head of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Office were involved as key informants in the study.  The findings revealed that the university embarked on significant initiatives involving administration, instruction, research, and extension through the collaborative efforts of the officials, faculty members, non-teaching staff, students, and various stakeholders from the Commission on Higher Education, local government units in the Province of Sorsogon, and other partners in the community. Policies and guidelines on preventive measures for COVID-19 and on alternative work arrangements were formulated and implemented. Further, faculty capacity building for online learning was conducted. Policies on online procedures in the submission, evaluation, implementation, and dissemination of research projects and capacity building for faculty researchers were also implemented. Community outreach activities in response to the pandemic were also conducted. The threats and challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to affect everyone in the community. Hence, Sorsogon State University must continue to employ more innovative actions in order to further improve the delivery of public services in the new normal.


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How to Cite
De Castro, E. G., & De Castro, C. A. . (2023). Initiatives of a state university in sustaining public services in the new normal. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 80–93.
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