Recreation matters: An exploratory analysis of domestic LGBT tourism in Vietnam

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Thu Thuy Nguyen
Quang Anh Phan
Kieu Oanh Ha


Over the last decade, LGBT has emerged as a minority group that academics in Vietnam and around the world are interested in, especially when it comes to their rights, policies, and health. LGBT tourism has been seen as a profitable niche market in the growing global tourist industry. However, this group’s tourist and leisure activities remain an under-researched topic. This study attempts to dissect the characteristics of LGBT tourists and explores the prospects for LGBT tourism development in the Vietnamese context. To aid with data collection and analysis, a mixed-method design with embedded orientation combining quantitative and qualitative research was deployed. The findings illustrate that LGBT people have a considerable need for travel and prefer economical travel options with friendly customer service. LGBT tourist activities have become more prevalent in Vietnam and are promoted through mass media. However, information is still limited, and the service quality has never been publicly validated. This paper identifies two approaches to delivering tourism services to LGBT customers in Vietnam: (1) giving services to the general population while being open to LGBT people and (2) providing specialized tourism services for LGBT customers. We recommend that LGBT tourism not be marginalized and establishing sustainable LGBT tourism with attractions and services customized for the LGBT community, or able to show empathy, should be included in the development agenda of the Vietnamese tourism industry.


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How to Cite
Nguyen, T. T., Phan, Q. A., & Ha, K. O. (2023). Recreation matters: An exploratory analysis of domestic LGBT tourism in Vietnam. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 23(3), 491–503.
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