Use of podcasts to develop students’ speaking skills

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Kataya Mahachanawong Suvarnaphaet
Phisit Suvarnaphaet


The use of podcasts as teaching tools in the field of language acquisition has gained a lot of attention recently. Podcasts have been widely employed in various sectors, with their primary purpose in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) studies being to improve students’ listening skills. A few studies have looked into how involving EFL students in podcast production might help them improve their speaking skills. This study offers suggestions and ideas for using podcasts as authentic material to assist students in improving their speaking abilities. A podcast is a type of digital audio media that typically comprises a series of either previously broadcast programs, such as on radio or purpose-made recordings. Podcasts that feature audio recordings of native English speakers can serve as useful models for language learners to develop their speaking abilities. Several studies have demonstrated that podcasts can be used as an alternate media to effectively help students improve their skills in spoken English. An enormous range of podcasts is available, and teachers can easily deliver authentic information in a class by exploiting their potential. In such a situation, the teacher serves as a facilitator, assisting students as they develop their spoken language skills using podcasts as media both within the classroom and beyond. Thus, when implemented correctly by educators, podcasts can be used successfully to mitigate some challenges inherent in developing students’ oral communication skills.


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How to Cite
Suvarnaphaet, K. M., & Suvarnaphaet, P. (2023). Use of podcasts to develop students’ speaking skills. Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies, 1–8.
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