Development of Thai culture ontology-based metadata: Heet Sib Song (Twelve Months Festival)
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Semantic web technologies are rapidly changing digital humanities research. Over the last decades, an immense amount of new qualitative data have been accumulated and made available in interchangeable formats, in social sciences and humanities, opening new possibilities for solving old questions and posing new ones. Archiving, storing, linking, and reviewing data from several different sites, called semantical inclusion, is one of the biggest challenges for digital humanities research. Semantic integration is a mechanism by which the data, along with their associations and ontology, are conceptually interpreted to remove potential heterogeneity. For interface design, Ontologies may be used to map and merge metadata from various sources. This paper introduces a framework that eases scholars' access to historical and cultural data about the local wisdom and customs in the Northeast of Thailand that are distributed across different data sources. This paper aims to discuss metadata and ontology in semantical incorporation of Thai culture research from different datasets. "Heet Sib Song", a traditional twelve-month festival well-known in northeastern Thailand, is the regional Thai culture this study is concerned with. As a computational representation of the Heet Sib Song domain, we use Ontology Development 101 to provide semanticized metadata aggregation from the various databases. In further research, we will use the resulting ontology to create a semantic search system that can be used in the future. The digital content management method will be used in combination with the cultural heritage database system of the Digital Humanities Research Group, Khon Kaen University.
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