Reproductive rights of women in India with focus on tea plantation workers of Sonitpur District of Assam, India
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Health is the pillar of all human activities and a crucial element of human happiness. Generally, reproductive health refers to the healthiness of reproductive systems of both males and females, during all life stages. Good reproductive health ensures that individuals will reproduce and have the liberty to determine whether to reproduce, when and how often to reproduce. In this regard, information and access to a practical, affordable, safe, and acceptable method of contraception and the right to standard healthcare services that enable safe pregnancy and childbirth are essential. Women's reproductive health encompasses numerous human rights viz. the right to health, the right to education, the right to privacy, the right to be free from torture, and the prohibition of discrimination. This paper highlights women's reproductive rights under the ambit of the Indian Constitution, legislative provisions, and various National and State policies. The paper further throws light on the current status of availing safeguards envisaged by these provisions by a particular section of the population, viz. tea garden workers. The study area pertains to some of the Tea Estates in the Sonitpur District of Assam, India. The study depicts the status of reproductive health of women in the study area. It is observed that the health status of these women presents a bleak picture. The paper suggests remedial measures to bring the status of the study area to an acceptable level.
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