Virtual historical sense of place in multimedia web tourism: a case of Bang Lamphu
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In the normal world of tourism, Bang Lamphu is considered being a good historical location in Bangkok. It is rich in historical architecture, openness gastronomy, friendly people, and easy-going atmosphere. During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism industry has changed dramatically to protect the virus from spreading. The interaction between tourist and attraction place, sense of place, has not happened. Digital media can deliver visual information to demonstrate attraction place. How digital media interact with tourists can create a sense of place along with the relationship developed during the new digital media exploration. Letting tourists explore the place through different media can determine the preferred media in triggering a sense of place in each tourist. The purpose of this study is to explore and find the appropriate media in representing sense of place for virtual tourism environment. Qualitative method with design thinking process has been used to develop this research. Developing different media is based on primary and secondary research with survey with photography and in-depth interview. Each type of media has its own production or process. It was found that different media triggered different ways for each tourist, in this case, expert in user interface and multimedia. Pondering at the storytelling way of delivering the historical story can stimulate tourists and elevate the memory of the related experience. From the historian's point of view, looking through the history in visual or video storytelling can be quite difficult to interpret without text information alongside. The conclusion of this research is that the amount of visual information consumes can be determined, based on each experience of the place without any further research of the place information. Therefore, the connection between place and tourist created toward the interpretation of visual information from each individual who experience it.
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