Lecture capture as learning resource in teaching law subject for non-law students under the new normal
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An action research was conducted to determine the efficacy of using lecture capture as learning resource in teaching law subject to Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) third year students under the new normal during the First Semester of A.Y. 2020-2021. A total of 53 BSBA 3A students enrolled in Law on Obligations and Contracts served as respondents. Data on the efficacy of lecture capture on students' performance were gathered through the pre-tests and post-tests administered to them while students' acceptability of lecture capture was measured using a modified survey questionnaire sent via Google form. Results showed that using lecture capture as a learning resource is effective in teaching law subject under the new normal as evidenced by the highly significant difference (p=0.000) between the scores of pre-tests and post-tests of the students using Paired Sample T-Test. Lecture capture was also highly acceptable (μ=4.44) to the respondents in terms of technical quality, instructional quality, instructional design and organization, and usefulness. Lecture capture can be a useful instructional material in understanding hard subjects like law which can be further improved though the incorporation of constructive feedbacks from the students. Finding a quiet place to avoid background noise when recording, inclusion of other post activities per topic, maintaining the high volume of the lecturer's voice, and uploading it to the Instructor's YouTube Channel were the recommendations of the respondents on how to further improve the lecture capture material.
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