The privacy concern as moderating role of co-creation in product innovation

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Tummatinna Seesupan


The purposes of this quantitative research were to explore the social commerce constructs, social support, relationship quality and co-creation in product innovation, to compare the multiple-group of privacy concerns as a moderating effect towards co-creation in product innovation, and to investigate the factors that influence co-creation in product innovation of the customers who bought products via online business. A total of 496 customers were chosen and a set of questionnaires were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics including frequency and mean were computed and the measurement together with structural equation model (SEM) using AMOS program was also employed. The results from the data depicted the model positively. The findings indicated that social commerce constructs, social support and relationship quality had a significant positive effect on co-creation in the product innovation model (p < .05). Interestingly, in terms of moderator variable, the influence of privacy concern as a moderating role on the relationship between social commerce and co-creation in product innovation was an important factor. The low-privacy concern was influenced more than the high-privacy concern. Additionally, the total effects of co-creation in product innovation of all factors such as social commerce constructs, relationship quality and social support were displayed. All variables mutually predicted co-creation in product innovation at 62.20 (R2 = .622).


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