A structural equation modeling of performance quality of local government organization accountants
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Accountants are crucial personnel for organizational operations. They ensure their organization’s financial system is stable and secure and can provide information executives used to determine financial policies and manage operations to achieve the vision and goals. Accountants with suitable qualifications and performance quality will affect better organizational performance. This study sought to find evidence to confirm certain factors that affect the accountants’ performance quality, investigating the effects of organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational engagement. A quantitative methodology was
used to study a sample of 344 accountants who worked under local government organizations in the Northern Region of Thailand. Data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling analysis to test hypotheses. The results showed that the proposed model and the empirical data were coherent and appropriate according to the model-fit indices: c2 =4.067, df =3, p =.254, c2/df =1.356, GFI =.997, RMSEA =.032. The effect of variables in the model was as follows: Organizational culture had a direct, positive effect on job satisfaction and organizational engagement and an indirect, positive effect on performance quality through job satisfaction and organizational engagement; organizational engagement had a direct, positive effect on job satisfaction and performance quality; job satisfaction had a direct, positive effect on performance quality; organizational engagement had an indirect, positive effect on performance quality through job satisfaction. Organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational engagement could predict 73% of the performance quality. The findings can be used as guidelines for improving the performance quality of local government organization accountants to increase their financial and budgetary management efficiency and effectiveness.
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