ASEAN identity in higher education through literary pedagogy perceived by teaching personnel at universities in Southern Tagalog Region, the Philippines
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As regionalism has become a prime interest within the Asia Pacific, participating member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) aspire to consolidate unity despite cultural diversity through forging an ASEAN identity. Institutions of higher learning are expected to explore educational innovations and curriculum reforms to facilitate the regional identity formation. Hence, this correlational research determined the awareness of ASEAN of teaching personnel (N=153) handling language, literature, humanities and social studies courses among state universities in the Southern Tagalog region of the Philippines. It also examined their assessment on the importance of literature curriculum practices as pedagogic tools in institutionalizing ASEAN identity in higher education. Through utilizing a researcher-made questionnaire and appropriate statistical measures, the results revealed that the teaching personnel are aware of the dimensions of ASEAN and considered the literary curriculum practices very important in instilling regional identity. Moreover, awareness of political integration in ASEAN of the teaching personnel significantly predicted their assessment on the importance of literary curriculum practices as this dimension of regional awareness is relevant and supportive to the cultural modelling tradition to literary study.
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