Cross-cultural dynamics and well-being in a Yangon based company

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Manjiri Kunte
William Wall
Naw Tsu Ei Thinzar


With the increase in the number of foreign employees in Asian countries and the deep rooted cultures these countries have, the issues of cross-cultural workforce management and team-work and collaboration are becoming increasingly important. This study attempts to examine the impact of cross-cultural awareness and collaboration, distributive and procedural justice, and perceived organizational and supervisor support on the well-being at work. The study applies a quantitative cross-sectional survey method to collect data from a sample of 100 employees from a Yangon-based company, and then explores the causal nature of independent variables with multiple regression. The results of regression analysis suggest that distributive and procedural justice is significantly related to well-being at work. As a recommendation to the company, the managers are advised to improve the perception of fairness and justice among the local Myanmar employees. The outcomes of this study can be used to devise appropriate international human resource management policies and practices in order to improve the perception of justice among both local and foreign employees. Other companies looking to send their employees to Myanmar can apply the findings of this study as a proactive effort to avoid dissatisfaction and ensure well-being at work.


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