Applying the OODA and PDCA models in order to enhance the agility and adaptability of government to win the COVID-19 war: Lessons learned from Taiwan
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Public administration has been challenged and tested by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Sluggish responses to the crisis have caused death, economic impacts, and unexpected consequences. This paper aimed to apply the models of Observe (O), Orient (O), Decide (D), and Act (A) (the so-called OODA loops) and Plan (P), Do (D), Check (C), and Act (A) (the so-called PDCA cycle) in order to increase the agility and adaptability of a government in combating COVID-19. This article carried out an analysis of Taiwan’s anti-COVID-19 response as the case study. Various sources of information were cumulatively collected and analyzed so as to describe the situation. It found that Taiwan's response to the crisis suggests that an agile and adaptive approach can control COVID-19 and alleviate its impacts. Applying the mentioned models and operating three key operations, including technology-driven operations, public information and communication, and public participation, can help us understand why and how Taiwan can obtain its success. This paper will help guide governments in building their capacity resilience by taking lessons from Taiwan’s successful measures and adjusting the key strategies to match the country's context and changes resulting from the contagious virus. With the present dramatically changing and uncertain world, governments need to confront unknown unknowns. Consistently searching for alternative approaches to manage uncertainties and complexities should be taken into account in preparation for future complex problems.
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