The development of the job embeddedness measurement model of employees in the telecommunications industry in Thailand

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Manop Chunin


The objective of this research was to test a job embeddedness measurement model of employees in the telecommunications industry in Thailand. The sample group was comprised of 510 employees. The research instrument was a questionnaire on the variables of job embeddedness categorized into three parts: fit, links, and sacrifice. The questionnaire consisted of 29 items. Content validity was examined by five experts. The discrimination power from the corrected item-total correlation was found to be between .327 and .660; while the overall reliability from the measurement of internal consistency using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was .900. According to second-order confirmatory factor analysis, the results showed that the job embeddedness measurement model was consistent with the empirical data. The p-value was .01 of 2, CFI >0.987, SRMR ≤0.056, and RMSEA <0.038 fit the criteria which had the significance of 2, CFI=.92, SRMR=.80, and RMSEA=.07. The construct reliability of the overall job embeddedness of employees was at 0.93 and the three dimensions revealed the followings: fit (0.82), links (0.78), and sacrifice (0.87). Additionally, the average variance extracted from overall job embeddedness was 0.99 and for the three dimensions, fit, links, and sacrifice, it was 0.99, 0.98, and 0.98 respectively.


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