Enhancement of critical thinking skills in students using mobile-blended learning with a collaborative inquiry-based approach

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Augustine Agbi
Pichayapha Yuangsoi


Despite the emphasis on the need to teach university students critical thinking skills that will better prepare them for the future, most classrooms globally are still fraught with the old-fashioned approaches. These methods only focus on equipping students with knowledge of concepts that do not sufficiently avail them with the required abilities to solve real-life problems in modern society. Jobs in the 21st century require skills that are focused on what individuals can accomplish with their acquired knowledge through analysis, evaluation and reorganisation of information to solve problems. To achieve this, students need to be engaged in active learning that encourages the use of their cognitive process, in order to sufficiently prepare them for the future. Cognitive development requires that learning should not just consist of repetitive accumulation of facts and knowledge, but must also encompass effective deep conceptual change in order to support life-long learning. After a thorough review of the literature that focuses on blended learning and the development of critical thinking skills, as well as the contemporary demands of the world of work, this paper concluded that, with the appropriate competencies and support for both teachers and students, mobile blended linked with collaborative inquiry-based learning has the potential to enhance the students’ skills.


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