Research on the relationships among participation motivation, participation attitude and revisit intention in Thai golf tourism: a study based on mediation model

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Ke Sun
Chih-Cheng Fang


In tourism research, golf tour as part of sports tourism, belongs to special interest tourism (SIT) and has become an international luxury sports tourism product. With the rapid development of golf tourism, the research in the field is increasingly focusing on the relationships among the factors influencing the development of golf tourism. To better prove the practicability and operability of the theoretical framework, the paper uses the intermediary model to test the relationships among the influential factors. Taking Thai golf tour as the analysis object, this research, with the aid of structural equation model, attempts to reveal the relationships among tourists’ participation motivation, participation attitude and revisit intention for golf tourism. With statistics obtained from 398 valid questionnaires, the reliability of the data and the validity of the structural equation model are analyzed and examined by using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 22. The results have shown that among the factors influencing the development of Thai golf tourism, participation motivation and participation attitude have significant positive effects on revisit intentions, and the relationship between participation motivation and revisit intention has partial mediating effects. This relationship is corroborated by the samples. This study has some important economic implications for golf destination management in Thailand. If golf tourism destinations in Thailand can help tourists develop a positive attitude towards returning to Thailand by meeting their participation needs, it can improve their revisit intentions.


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