Communication process to empower youth digital citizenship in the Esan toom home network

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Angkana Promruksa


This paper aimed to study the implementation of a participatory communication process that empowers digital citizenship, as well as investigating the effects of the digital citizenship process on youths in the northeast region of Thailand. A mixed-methods research approach was used. The sample comprised a total of 40 young people involved in the Esan Toom Home Project. The findings revealed that the process of participatory communication helped in fostering digital citizenship among youths in the northeast region, consisting specifically of (1) improving the digital citizenship capacity of youth volunteers, whose roles involved initiating ideas, creating, performing, or engaging in the communication process, and production of media or innovative ideas that were responsive to the community context; (2) fostering participation in the communication process, in which youth volunteers were involved in formulating, designing, and deciding the form of communication; (3) producing creative media or innovative ideas that resulted from the engagement of youth volunteers and which were tailored to the local context; (4) incorporation of knowledge and concepts throughout the operation of the process, and (5) the support and engagement of networks at both the local and national levels. The digital citizenship process for youth in the northeast region has a positive effect on four areas, namely, (1) youth volunteers, (2) children and young people participating in the program, (3) communities and residents, and (4) policies.


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