A structural equation model of factors relating to smart cities that affect the management of the world heritage site

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Phathombut Keawsomnuk


This research aims to analyse the structural equation model (SEM) of variables associated with smart cities which affect the global management of world heritage sites as well as quality of life for Thai tourists and people in Ayutthaya province. The concept behind the study is the smart city and how the management of world heritage sites has affected the quality of life of the Thai people. This research used quantitative methods. A sample was composed of 404 individuals located in the world heritage site within the surroundings of Ayutthaya. SEM was used to perform the data analysis. The results indicate that the single and multiple group model provided a satisfactory fit with the empirical data. Furthermore, the research paper identified that the variables associated with smart cities strongly affected both the management of the world heritage site as well as the quality of life for tourists and villagers in the historic city of Ayutthaya. This research recommends three key measures: 1) Smart mobility policies: The Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Pollution Control should collaborate on pursuing smart mobility policies. 2) Education policies: The Ministry of Education needs to emphasise knowledge about the world heritage site and the principles of smart cities in the school curriculum. 3) Policies concerning the development of the historic city of Ayutthaya: The Department of Historical Parks should amalgamate the principles of smart cities into its strategic plan for developing the historic city of Ayutthaya.


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