Factors Influencing Attitudes Toward Blended E-learning Using Learning Management Systems: A Case Study in a University in Thailand

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Pitchayakorn Lake


The purpose of this study was to investigate the major influencing factors on attitudes of university students in Thailand toward a blended e-learning system (BELS). This study applied a survey method to collect data from 249 students who studied the subject “Computer for Studies and Works” using BELS. The findings confirm that many factors derive from the existing Teaching Acceptance Model (TAM) model and new findings were also discovered as such; (a) learners’ experiences and knowledge required for using BELS can stimulate learners to be more confident to execute all BELS activities; whereas (b) learners’ confidence and experience of using BELS do not lead to learners’ positive or negative feelings of using BELS; (c) the flexibility of BELS did not cause learners to have better control on BELS activities; and (d) the learners seem to believe that BELS is a useful learning tool when they were encouraged by other people. System developers, academic professionals, and other practitioners are anticipated to draw some benefits from these findings in order to develop and implement BELS in a way that helps increase learners’ positive attitude and performance achievement.


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