A Study on the Issues of Actors in the Project Management of Films: Based on Small-budget Films in China

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Xiaolu Lu
Hugo Yu-Hsiu Lee


At present, the market for small-budget films in China has continued to expand with the number of productions constantly rising becoming some of the greatest in the world. However, at the same time, there are many irregularities and even chaos in the production of films, especially, the management of actors which may be very troublesome for some managers to handle. This paper studied the issues in regards to actors in the production of small-budget films. Multiple case studies and practical observation of six small-budget film crews, in-depth interviews with nine veterans in film industry management and qualitative research analysis with combining the former two methods were all carried out. The study shows that the issues regarding actors in production management are roughly divided into five aspects: 1) selecting actors and their remuneration, 2) the disciplinary problems of actors, 3) actors’ behavior of putting on air, 4) the performance problems of actors, and 5) the relations between male and female. The researcher has analyzed and discussed these five aspects, and proposed a series of rules concerning issues with actors in aim to help managers better perform their management roles. The study has found that problems with actors are unavoidable in the production process of small-budget films, and the producers should try to cast actors with higher educational levels and professional experience, which may greatly reduce the risks brought on by the problems with actors.


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Research Articles


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