Managing Roles of Russian Interpreters in Thai Justice System

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Navapat Narongsak
Jiraporn Ruampongpattana


This research aims 1) to explore the presence of the International Criminal Organization of Russia in Thailand, 2) to analyze the roles and responsibilities of interpreters in the Thai justice process, 3) to investigate the problems and challenges faced by Thai interpreters at both investigative and judicial levels in transnational criminal cases involving Russia. Additionally, the research proposes policy recommendations to prevent and resolve issues arising from transnational criminal activities of Russia affecting Thailand's stability, economy, and society. The study reveals that beyond the evident impact of transnational criminal activities from Russia on Thailand's stability, economy, and society, there is a crucial issue regarding interpreters proficient in the Russian language, especially among countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union. This language proficiency challenge contributes to difficulties in understanding the Thai justice process. The identified issues include a shortage of skilled professional interpreters, problems in the responsible agencies providing interpreters, and inconveniences in using volunteer interpreters. Therefore, it is imperative for government agencies to play a role in promoting and facilitating the establishment of a standardized system for accessing and providing interpreters, ensuring efficiency in interpretation and translation services. Addressing these challenges may require collaborative efforts between responsible organizations, training programs for interpreters, and improvements in policies related to interpreter procurement in transnational criminal proceedings.

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How to Cite
Narongsak, N., & Ruampongpattana, J. (2024). Managing Roles of Russian Interpreters in Thai Justice System. Journal of Criminology and Forensic Science, 10(1), 63–82. retrieved from
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