Silk quality development with self-cleaning properties for designing accessories product.

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นัดดาวดี บุญญะเดโช


The objectives of this study were to finish Thai brocade silk (Yok Dok) of the brocade weaving group, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya with self-cleaning properties by using TiO2/SiO2 composite material for developing OTOP accessories products.

The results showed that finishing silk with TiO2 resulted in photocatalytic reaction and SiO2 contributed to better photocatalytic reaction of TiO2. Self-cleaning properties of the obtained fabric were investigated under UV light, and silk fabric was found to be effective in self-cleaning. Different stains took different times to remove. Focus group discussions with fashion, textile and marketing experts showed that for the development of an initial collection of Kranokphatra of brocade weaving group, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Thailand, the Daffodil weaving pattern, which was used in special occasions, was suitable to be developed together with Ayutthaya Trim weaving pattern, the unique local pattern from the third and fourth versions. After finishing, the surfaces of obtained fabric were hardened and made suitable for developing accessories products such as bags and shoes, whose shapes were maintained and did not require frequent cleaning.

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