
  • PATTARA KOMKUM Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Pii nai, The Raung Ta Yae Song, Teacher Peep Konglaithong


The creation of Pii nai Raung Ta Yae Song in the way of teacher Peep Konglaithong is the qualitative research focusing on the basic of blowing the Pii nai instrument in Raung Ta Yae Song of Praya Sanauoduriyang (Cham Soontharawathin) and synthesizes the results of the research into the creation of Pii nai Raung Ta Yae Song. The Raung Ta Yae Song consists of three songs: 1) Ta Yae song 2) Mon Plang song and 3) Long Rau song. These three songs use the Tang Nai and Tang Nok scale most frequently. Pii nai has a particular way to blow and produce sound is a reason why it is learned by fewer people. This research can help learners improve themselves in the technical aspects of playing the Pii nai. Peep Konglaithong, national artist since 2020, has a particular way of playing the Pii Nai. His melodies are simple and focuses on basic techniques. 8 different techniques were found, which were Kaan Kuang Siang, Kaan Prom Niw, Kaan Tee Niw, Kaan Pao Prib, Kaan Tod Lom, Kaan Kran Lom, Kaan Tod Lin, and Kaan Sabud. These techniques enabled the learner to match their breathe production to the control of their fingers, keeping the structure of the melody. The result of this research was disseminated in the Kong Lai Thong Learners Group and is used to improve the students in the Thai Music skills and Wind Instruments modules at the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University and others.


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article