
  • SASIKARN NARTKOSAR Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • PERMSAK SUWANNATAT Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • SUPPAKORN DISATAPUNDHU Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Biophilia, Biophilic Design, Co-working space, Generation Y, Environmental Graphic


Biophilia concept is a philosophical concept. In designing aspect this concept is considered bringing the nature to a space where it connects with people and the concept itself allows people to be a part of nature genuinely. The objectives of the study were 1) to study the Biophilia concept and the behavior of Generation Y in order to segregate the concept to be relevant to a co-working space and interrelated with a basic element of graphic design, 2) to create conceptual framework of Biophillia of co-working space for Generation Y. The researcher used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research as a research methodology and studied primary data and secondary data by using 411 questionnaires about the needs and problems of Generation Y which is a sample of this research, and using an insight questionnaire with 10 co-working space members of the researching area.The results of the study of Biophilia concept in order to create co-working space were 4 parts as follows : 1) beach atmosphere : relaxation, creativity, and social connection. These factors can boost an appetite., 2) mountain atmosphere : calmness, comfort, privacy., 3) waterfall atmosphere: activeness and being energetic., 4) cave atmosphere : concentration. Based on the three most prioritized rooms which have been chosen from the sample, it was recommended as follows: 1) The co-working space, accounted for 28%, needs an area that helps boosting creativity. It was recommended to use “beach concept” as a basic graphic design, 2) private office, accounted for 22.67% needs to be able to provide privacy. It was recommended to use “Mountain concept” as a basic graphic design, and 3) meeting room/brainstorming, accounted for 20% needs an atmosphere that helps boosting creativity. It was recommended to use “Beach concept” as a basic graphic design.


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