
  • VICH BOONROD Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University


Music Instruments for the elderly, Inspired by King Rama IX, Pattana Sukkasem


          The objectives of this research study are 1) to investigate the concept of making music instruments for the elderly, inspired by King Rama IX, a case study of Pattana Sukkasem; and 2) to explore the creating methods and benefits of music instruments for elderly, inspired by King Rama IX, a case study of Pattana Sukkasem. The research applies case study and used to qualitative research methodology in data collection, analysis, and answering the research objectives. The research instrument is semi-structured interview used to investigates 3 aspects as follows: 1) the concepts of music instrument creation; 2) music instrument creating methods; and 3) the benefits of music instruments for the elderly made by Pattana Sukkasem.

          The results of the study manifest the 3 objectives as follows. Firstly, the concept of music instruments for the elderly by Pattana Sukkasem is inspired from the need of appropriate music instrument creation for the elderly, which is conveniently movable, easily played, and short-period learning to play. Secondly, the music instruments are made from left home stuffs and natural material as the major elements, based on the Sufficient Economic Philosophy by King Rama IX. The music instruments can be categorized into 2 types: melody instrumentals and rhythm instrumentals, using C major Pentatonic Scale as the base of all songs. And thirdly, the music instruments for the elderly are beneficial for many reasons; for example, to encourage lung activity, fine motor and wrist, to develop interactions with other people, to encourage concentration and memory, and to entertain while playing.

          In conclusion, the music instruments for the elderly inspired by King Rama IX, a case study of Pattana Sukkasem is considered one of the encouraging ways of the elderly’s life quality development. The concept can also be adapted into making other kinds of music instruments or other activities for the benefits of all ages in the society.


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