
  • PITCHAYA NILRUNGRATAN Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University
  • ATITHEP CHAETNALAO Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University


User Interface Design, Elderly, Digital Era


           The aging society that is about to emerge in the near future is an issue that the world is focusing on in many ways. The demographic statistic clearly shows that there are more people entering the elderly than the childhood. In every country around the world, there is a countdown to the aging society during the period of 10 - 25 years. Thailand is expected to enter the aging society in 2025.

            Around the world, there are many ways to cope with the aging society by using the development of various technologies. In particular, we must admit that the use of digital technology has a close relationship with every human being of this century. The science arising from the occupation of digital technology is numerous. One of them is HCI or Human Computer Interaction. This science talks about the design of User Interface and User Experience. It is both an educational field and a new career that is indispensable because it is the designer of both the use and the appearance of the interaction between humans and technological devices.

            This research article is part of a dissertation of Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University. The research title is “Digital User Interface Design Tools Development for Elderly” In this paper, the researcher uses both primary and secondary data during the first year of the research. The researcher collected data from both meeting target groups and interviewing relevant experts about elderly, psychology, user interface design, aesthetics and program development. It gave the perspectives and experiences of the aging society and the technological designs that meet the impending condition. 

             The results of this research Initially, the knowledge that the design of User Interfaces for Elderly must consist of three key areas of knowledge: 1) Accessibility and Usability, 2) Design, which reveals aesthetics according to the age range that can lead to be used with the design of User Interface for Elderly. 3) Specialized content. That meets the needs of the elderly. This knowledge, the researcher has distilled into specific standards that facilitate access to media and digital devices of the elderly. It will create a web base digital tool that designers and other people can apply the knowledge for designing a suitable User Interface for Elderly.


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บทความวิจัย | Research Article