
  • รุ่งนภา ตั้งจิตรเจริญกุล 0897865530


need assessment, desirable competency, graduate instructor


The purposes of this research were 1) to study, formulate and examine the quality of the components and indicators for desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University, 2) to study need assessment of desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University, and 3) to study factors affecting on desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University.

          The significant research findings were as follows:

          1) Eighty four related literatures were reviewed for synthesis the components and indicators for desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University and 6 experts and 120 stakeholders helped verifying the content validity, appropriateness, feasibility and utility. They were 3 components of desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University:1.1) core competency composed of body of knowledge competency, research and development competency, self development competency, communication competency 1.2) non-core competency composed of moral and ethics competency, academic service competency and learner development competency and 1.3) management competency composed of leadership competency, teamwork competency, performance management under the changes’s competency.

          2) The result of need assessment of desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University evaluated from 4 groups of stakeholders (administrators, instructors, students, alumni), their mean ranged from 3.54 - 4.16 and 4.49 – 4.82. And the compare of current and goal evaluation of desirable competencies’ graduate instructors found that there were significant different between current and goal evaluation of body of knowledge competency, research and development competency, personal development competency, academic service competency and learner development competency, leadership competency, teamwork competency and management under changing’s competency.

          3) The result of multi-level analysis indicated that factors explaining the desirable competencies’ graduate instructors of Rajabhat University were education level and academic position of faculty members.


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