การวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบภาพลักษณ์ด้านการผลิตบัณฑิต กรณีศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยพิษณุโลก


  • ธัญลักษณ์ น้อยผล คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภ้ฎพิบูลสงคราม


ภาพลักษณ์ การผลิตบัณฑิต ส่วนประสมทางการตลาดบริการ


This research aims at analyzing the factors of the image of the accomplishment of the undergraduates in Phitsanulok University, and to study the image on accomplishment. The sample of students are selected from a number of 611 students who enrolled in 2563. The instrument being used for this work is the measuring platform, based on the scale of 5 levels, to learn the factors in the image of the undergraduates accomplishment, and analyzing the additional data. This analysis is to learn the success in producing the undergraduates of the university, by way of calculation, to get the average value, and standard variation value. The analysis being taken on Two-way Variation with One-Way of ANOVA            The outcome of the analysis 1. The result of the research on the factor no. 1 of the image on the undergraduates accomplishment. There are seven factors. They are (1) Production (2) Price (3) Sale Channel (4) Market Promotion (5) Personnel (6) To producing and presentation of Physical Appearance of the product (7) Process. The value of the factor are: Production Range 0.493 -0.673, Market Promotion Range between 0.505 -0.674, Personnel Range between 0.380 -0.686, the learning process and Presentation on Physical Appearance-Range between 0.497-0.734, Process-Range between 0.591-0.741 . And the analysis on the factors no. 2 of the image on the undergraduates accomplishment. The value weight of the factor is ranging between 0.967-0.966, the index value of the comformity and harmonization of the questionaire on the image of undergraduates accomplishment, and the empirical data as follows: CIF 0.904, TI = 0.899, Chi-square 4144.046, Pvalue 0.000 df =1742, RMSA =0.048, WRMR = 1.761, and X2/ df = 2.37 The weight of standard factors significant statistic implication at the level 5. It is in conformation to the empirical data, 2. The studied result on image of the undergraduate accomplishment institution of Phitsanulok University, in general has been at the significant level (M 412 S= 0.41). When considering on each part it can be judged that the highest average is on Product which is at hsh level (M- 4.18 S- 0.45). The lower level is on Personnel which is at rather high (M 416 5- 0.40), and the lowest level is on construction and presentation of the physical Rpoearance), which is at rather high (M= 4.06 S= 0.53) in comparison of all faculties on the Image of undergraduate accomplishment, the overall image of different faculties has Indicated that there is some implication of differences at the level of 0.0s  


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