Curriculum Development Guidelines of Bachelor of Education in Music Education Program for Rajabhat Universities


  • Klen Boonyanant PSRU


Curriculum Development Guidelines, Bachelor of Education in Music Education Program, Rajabhat Universities


This research aimed to 1) analyze current status and problems of curriculum implementation of music education programs of Rajabhat universities 2) identify trends of curriculum and threats of music education programs of Rajabhat universities 3) propose curriculum development guidelines. Samples of this study were 1) 110 lecturers of music education programs, Rajabhat universities chosen by simple random sampling method and 2) 24 heads and deputies of music education programs, Rajabhat universities chosen by cluster sampling method. The research tools were 1) semi-structured interview towards current status and problems of curriculum implementation 2) questionnaires towards current status and problems of curriculum implementation 3) semi-structured interview towards trends and threats of music education programs. Data collection and data analysis used in this research were content analysis and simple statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that             

1. Current status of curriculum implementation is at high level with mean at 3.98 and standard deviation at 0.56 whereas problems of curriculum implementation were found in 3 stages: curriculum preparation, curriculum management, and instruction.              

2. Trends of music education curriculum consist of 6 aspects: aims, structure, content, instruction, equipment and media, and evaluation. Threats of music education programs can be shown respectively in 5 top ranks as 1) decrease of Thai population and prospective students 2) corona virus 2019 and policy to use online platform for teaching instantly 3) too many teaching hours for each music education lecturer 4) policies change unstably and 5) competition between nearby Rajabhat universities and others.           

3. Curriculum development guidelines of Bachelor of Education in music education program for Rajabhat universities consist of 2 aspects: curriculum details, and roles of the people involved the curriculum.


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