Evaluation of Administration of Project on Enhancement of Desirable Characteristics of Students in Ban Putum School under Phetchaburi Educational Service Area Office 2


  • นิภา เพชรสม คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพชรบุรี


Evaluation, project administration, desirable characteristics


The objectives of this research were to evaluate 1) context 2) input 3) process 4) output of project on enhancement of desirable characteristics of students in Ban Putum School under Phetchaburi Education Service Are Office 2. The 105 data providers consisted of 1) 1 school director, 2) 7 teachers, 3) 9 Basic education school committees, 4) 44 students in Prathomsuksa 2–6, and 5) 44 parents of students. The research tools included a questionnaire on opinion about the project administration, and the questionnaires on students’ and parents' satisfaction. The data were analyzed by computing frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The results of the research showed that the evaluation result of project administration for enhancing desirable characteristics was overall at the highest level. When each aspect was considered, it was found that: 1) in the context aspect, the operation was overall at the highest level: the objective of the project was to help students to live happily, and to enhance the community to realize the importance of the project, 2) in the input aspect, the operation was overall at a high level: there were sufficient resources for project implementation, 3) in the process aspect, the operation was overall at a high level: the activities were organized for improving all 8 desirable characteristics, 4) in the output aspect, the students had got the desirable characteristics at the highest level as follows: (1) Love of nation, religion and king, (2) Honesty and integrity, (3) Self-discipline, (4) Avidity for learning, (5) Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, (6) Dedication and commitment to work, (7) Cherishing Thai-ness, and (8) Public-mindedness. In the impact aspect, the school director, teachers, basic education school committee, the students, and parents were satisfied with project administration at a high level. In the effectiveness aspect, the desirable characteristics conformed to the students’ needs. And, in the sustainability aspect, the students could apply 8 desirable characteristics to improve themselves in living a quality life.


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