Study of the Desirable Characteristics of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 39


  • Jantima Prasongmanee Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Nongluck Jaichalad


Desirable Characteristics, School Administrators


This research was aimed at studying the desirable characteristics of school administratorsunder the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 39. The population consisted of 57 schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 39. The sample, chosen from the Krejcie and Morgan table, was 52 schools. The informants were 52 school administrators, 52 vice administrators, 52 teachers working on school plans, and 52 department heads with more than 10 years' experience, totaling 208 persons search instrument was a five-point rating scale questionnaire with a reliabi 0.98. The statistics for data analysis were means and standard deviations

The finding showed that the desirable characteristics of the school administrators were overall at a high level. When all aspects of desirable characteristic of school administrators were considered, the aspect of Being a Role Model was at the highest level, and five aspects were at a high level, which, ordered from the highest to the lowest, were the aspects of Creativity, Cooperation, Motivation, Vision, and Leadership.


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