Competencies Based Concept applied in Instruction Management


  • phiranant numkanisorn Part time Lecturer at St. John's University Thailand


Instruction Management, Competencies of the Learner, Learner’s Development


Competency based Concept originally derived from Human Resource Development Idea. The idea was first introduced by David McCleland, a former Psychologist, working at Harvard University. The concept has been widely spread in 1994 in the US and entered into Business Corporation in Thailand in 2005. This concept of human development goes in line with the main objective mentioned in the Education National Plan (2552-2561) that emphasizes the development of the total person to its full potentials in terms of life- long learning and sustainable development. This article aims at presenting the development of its concept, its meaning and how it can be applied in instruction Management. The author believes that this article will be helpful to any teacher who wants to apply this concept into his/her teaching.

Author Biography

phiranant numkanisorn, Part time Lecturer at St. John's University Thailand

A part time Lecturer in Educational Leadership, seeking to publish academic articles (in Thai)


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