A Development of Learning Activities Model on Constructivist Theory for Human Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry Learning Center for Students in Higher Education


  • Rongrop noysakun 69/28 m.6 T.Saotonghin BangYai Nonthaburi 11140


Learning Activities, Human Trafficking, Constructivist


The purposes of this research were to develop and to experiment a Learning activities model for human trafficking in Thai Fishing Industry Learning Center. The samples were 30 students in higher education who come to learn at Thai Fishing Industry Learning Centre, and they were selected by accidental sampling. The research Tool were: 1. the Learning activities model for human trafficking in Thai Fishing Industry Learning Center, 2. Pre-posttest, 3. Satisfaction survey. Data were analyzed by using statistic, dependent t-test, and percentage.          The result of the study showed that: the Learning activities model based on the Constructivist theory for human trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry Learning Centre for students in higher education included 7 steps: 1. The students came to the Learning Centre, 2. The staff explained the overview of the human trafficking problem and did a pre-test, 3. The staff explained the learning activities and begins with the learning process using problem base, 4. Students studied content from the learning resources, and the staff led the Coaching process, 5. If the students found out the learning problem, they could get into the scaffolding, but if the problem was not found, they could get into a next step, 6. The staff led the students into the process of sharing experiences with another, 7. The students did a post-test and satisfaction survey. The comparison of educational achievement between pre and post-test revealed that the achievement of post-test is higher than pre-test criterion at .05 level of significance. The students were satisfied with the content of the learning model at the highest level of agreement and the design of the learning model at a high level of agreement.


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