Needs assessment to Be a Digital University of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon
need assessment, Needs, Digital UniversityAbstract
This research aimed to 1) investigate the real states and expected states to be a digital university of Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon and 2) analyze needs for a digital university. The population and sample group were divided into 3 groups including students enrolling in the academic year 2017, instructors and university staff. The research tool was questionnaire. The data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation and t-test. The Modified Priority Needs Index formula (PNI Modified) was used to prioritize the order of needs assessment. The research results showed as follows:
1. As for the real states and expected states to be a digital university, the means of students and university staff groups were different at the statistically significant level of 0.01. The real states’ overall means were lower than those of the expected ones. While the means of instructor group were not different but considering in each aspect, it was found that the real states’ overall means were lower than those of the expected 2. Regarding to need assessment for a digital university, modified Priority Needs Index (PNIModified) was calculated. The PNI Modified of the student group was 1.14-1.68. The aspects of classrooms and laboratories were found the highest PNIModified (the first rank). The PNIModified of the instructor group was 0.04-0.22. The aspects of classrooms, laboratories and learning resource service system were found the highest PNIModified (the first rank). The PNIModified of the university staff group was 0.76-1.12. The aspect of learning resource service system was found the highest
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