Journal of Cultural Approach
According to the journal quality assessment results announcement round 5 (2025–2029), the Journal of Cultural Approach is indexed in the journal database of the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) in Tier 1. In this regard, our journal will continue to develop the work to higher standards.
Aims and Scopes
The submitted papers can be research articles, reviews, academic papers, or book reviews in both Thai and English related to humanities and social sciences in the fields of social, culture, music, history, and tourism: gastronomy, cultural, historical, and creative.
Publication Frequency: bi–annually (2 issues per year)
Issue 1: January – June
Issue 2: July – December
ISSN 1513-4458 (Print)
ISSN 2985-1831 (Online)
1. To be a center for publishing academic and research articles related to society, culture, and tourism.
2. To exchange ideas and knowledge in academic and research articles

Evaluated By: 3 Experts (Double-Blind Review)

Article Publication Charges: NO APC
Vol. 25 No. 48 (2024): Journal of Cultural Approach (July - December 2024)
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