An Analysis of the Constraints on the Position of Verbs in “V1 zhe V2” expressing mode-manner


  • Khun Nghia คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


constraining factors, internal process structure of verbs, image features, semantics of object


As the order of the two verbs in the "V1 着V2" structure in which V1 represents the mode or manner of V2 has not been studied in depth, this paper aims to analyze the mechanism that restricts the front and back positions of these two verbs. Based on the analysis of the data collected from Corpus of Beijing Language and Culture University, the findings show that the internal process structure of the verb is the main factor that constraints the order of the two verbs: there is a positive correlation between the inception strength (starting time) of a verb process structure, its duration (continuous phase), and the amount of mode-manner meaning shown. These conditions make it easier for a verb to serve as a V1. On the contrary, stronger ending times of a verb process structure and a high number of features (strong action and transformation meanings) make a verb more suitable to serve as V2. This paper hopes to enhance Chinese language learners’ understanding of this structure and to help teachers to better explain students’ common errors of this structure.


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How to Cite

Nghia, K. (2021). An Analysis of the Constraints on the Position of Verbs in “V1 zhe V2” expressing mode-manner. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(2), 195–212. retrieved from