The Impact of Employee’s Motivation Towards Quality of Working Life: Case Study of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University

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พักตร์พิมล สมบัติใหม่
กมลทิพย์ คำใจ


The purposes of this study were to study the motivation factors that influenced, to study the quality of work life, and to study the relationship between the motivation and quality of work life of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University of the academic support staff. The sampling were 185 academic support staff. Questionnaire used as the tool. The data analyzed through descriptive statistics comprising frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics consisting of Independent Samples as Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results had found that the majority of respondents were female, aged 31-35, single, Bachelor’s degree, income per month 20,001-25,000 Baht, and working experience more than 10 years in Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The working motivation of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University academic support staff was overall at a high level = (4.08). The quality of work life of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University academic support staff was overall at a moderate level = (3.46). The personnel factors affecting to work motivation and quality of work life were gender, marital status, education level, income level, and working experience at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The motivation factors had positive influence on the quality of work life at .01 and .05 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
สมบัติใหม่ พ., & คำใจ ก. (2015). The Impact of Employee’s Motivation Towards Quality of Working Life: Case Study of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Journal of Graduate Research, 6(2), 123–139. Retrieved from
Research Article


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