The Biodiversity Management with a Sufficient Economical Based, Mueang District, Mae Hong Son Province.
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This research entitle of the biodiversity management on the sufficiency economical based of ethic group in Muang District, Mae Hong Son province area. The main objective was to study the way in proceeding activities which could promote the management and the conservation of the biodiversity on the last sufficiency economical based. The activities composed of many minor activities such as
The protection of wildfire activity and the opened combustion in the community activity, all of activities had the important activity such as the specification of agriculture area activity that specified the area which had wildfire ignition area that could spread fire to another area to be a wildfire further. The decreasing in useless materials combustion by applying them made as a compose fertilizer which people in this community could use in the next cultivate season. The fire protection line area setting activity had done by the trekking volunteers who were a wildfire observer of Na-Pra-Jard community. The roaming about the forest activity for wildfire alerts, activity would proceed in observing about wildfire in the area around the community.
The knowledge and the realization in agriculture water pollution protection activity which increased for agriculturists, could use and eradicated and also protected in the agriculture pollution in the correct and proper ways. From all of these ways the water and ground pollutions could be decreased and then the biodiversity would be increased in the future further.
The teenager network setting in keeps watching the water quality and the biodiversity activity. This activity, the teenagers from 4 schools (Huey-Phung School, Kha-Han School, NaPra-Jard School and Huey-Pha School) gathered together to participate to set the biodiversity conservative and management network in the watershed area further.
The folk wisdom of the community activity in water and fish ordained in the area of community weir for prohibiting of aquatic animal catching and trespass around this area. From the activities proceedings, there was the conservation of biodiversity area for fish seeds occurring along the river in 2 kilometers long.
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