The Process Toward Customer Loyalty of Shopping Center in Chonburi Province

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ปิตินันท์ ควะชาติ
อัจฉราวรรณ งามญาณ



 The purpose of this Independent Study paper is to study the customer loyalty of shopping center in Chonburi province. In the period of year 2010 to present, groups of shopping center development companies such as CPN and The Mall Group have been planning and launching the shopping mall projects in rural areas. Some new shopping center in Chonburi had been struggling for 3 years, in order to capture sufficient amount of customer in the market as well as financial and occupancy stableness, while the new-launched Shopping Center of CPN group in Bangkok took only 6-12 months. On account of customer behavior in rural areas are different from Bankokian. Therefore, this research aims to study the factors influencing the customer loyalty, which provides the new-launched shopping malls in rural areas to be able to understand the important factors in developing managerial areas of retail service quality toward the customer need and behavior, in order to improve short and long term performance and ultimately increase and retain the customer base.

The research collected the data from the customers who had a service experience with shopping centers located in Chonburi since 15 December 2013 - 18 February 2014. The data of 250 questionnaires was taken to analyze the relationship among several factor of the mall-service quality on SPSS program.

The result of this research represents that the mall-service quality factors that had significantly a positive relationship with Customer Satisfaction, which are Physical Aspect, Personal Interaction, Policy and Local-based activity. The most influenced factor toward Customer Satisfaction is Physical Aspect. Moreover, this research found that Customer Satisfaction had a positive relationship with Revisit Intention. And Revisit Intention then had an influence toward Customer Loyalty significantly.

The contribution of this research clearly confirms that the factors of retail service quality are the important factor to the customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to Revisit Intention and Customer Loyalty. Moreover, in this paper proposes the new factor of mall-service quality in Retail Service Quality model (DTR model), which is Local-Based Activity for particularly and suitably studying the customer behavior in the complex of shopping mall located in rural area. In term of business benefit, this research implies a different level of influence on each mall-service quality factors toward Customer Satisfaction. Hence, the mall manager could manage and improve in the right areas of mall-service quality, in order to gain Customer Satisfaction, Revisit Intention and ultimately Customer Loyalty.

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How to Cite
ควะชาติ ป., & งามญาณ อ. (2015). The Process Toward Customer Loyalty of Shopping Center in Chonburi Province. Journal of Graduate Research, 6(2), 57–77. Retrieved from
Research Article


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