A Comparison of The Skills in Using Information and Communications Technology Data Searching on Internet Topic Computer Hardware and Interest in Learning Prathomsuksa 5 Between Using Direct Instruction Model and Conventional Teaching Method.

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อัมพร พะนิจรัมย์
วิไล ทองแผ่
ทรงศรี ตุ่นทอง


The purposes of this research were to compare : 1) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware Prathom Suksa 5 between before and after of using direct instruction model. 2) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware Prathom Suksa 5 between before and after of conventional teaching method, 3) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware Prathom Suksa 5 between using direct instruction model and conventional teaching method, and 4) Interest in learning Prathom Suksa 5 between using direct instruction model and conventional teaching method. The research sample was drawn by using simple cluster sampling. The samples used in the study. Prathom Suksa 5 Klunwittaya School Nongkhae, Saraburi Province, the first semester of the academic year 2015 the sample consisted of 68 from 4 heterogeneous classrooms of 34 students the two classrooms were then randomly assigned as the controlled group and the experimental group. The research instructions consisted of 1) lesson management plans. Topic computer hardware using direct instruction model, 2) lesson management plans. Topic computer hardware using conventional teaching method, 3) Test the skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware, 4) questionnaire to measure their interest in learning with a reliability of 0.813. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation and t-test. The findings were as follows. 1) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware prathomsuksa 5 before and after between using direct instruction model. After higher than before (p<.05) 2) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware prathomsuksa 5 before and after between conventional teaching method. After higher than before (p<.05) 3) The skills in using information and communications technology data searching on internet topic computer hardware prathomsuksa 5 between using direct instruction model and conventional teaching method using direct instruction model was significantly higher than that conventional teaching method (p<.05) 4) Interest in learning prathomsuksa 5 between using direct instruction model was significantly higher than that conventional teaching method. (p<.05)

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How to Cite
พะนิจรัมย์ อ., ทองแผ่ ว., & ตุ่นทอง ท. (2015). A Comparison of The Skills in Using Information and Communications Technology Data Searching on Internet Topic Computer Hardware and Interest in Learning Prathomsuksa 5 Between Using Direct Instruction Model and Conventional Teaching Method. Journal of Graduate Research, 6(2), 25–38. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/banditvijai/article/view/96542
Research Article


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