The Effects of Project Approach Eeperiance on Environment Conservation Behaviors of Preschool Children at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School

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สุนทรี สมคำ
พัชรี ผลโยธิน
สมถวิล วิจิตรวรรณา


The purposes of this research were (1) to study the changes of environment conservation behaviors of preschool children at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School before, during and after receiving the project approach experience and (2) to compare the environment conservation behaviors of the preschool children before and after receiving the project approach experience.

The sample comprised 20 preschool children, 5-6 years old, studying at the third year kindergarten level in Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School during the first semester of the 2014 academic year, obtained by cluster sampling. The experiment was conducted for eight weeks. The employed research instruments consisted of learning plans for project approach experience on environment conservation behaviors for preschool children, and an observation form on the environment conservation behaviors of preschool children. Statistics for data analysis were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, and sign test.

The research finding showed that (1) the environment conservation behaviors of preschool children at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School changed for the increase from the beginning toward the end of the experiment; and (2) after receiving the project approach experience, the mean score on environment conservation behaviors of the preschool children was significantly higher than their counterpart mean score prior to receiving the experience at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
สมคำ ส., ผลโยธิน พ., & วิจิตรวรรณา ส. (2015). The Effects of Project Approach Eeperiance on Environment Conservation Behaviors of Preschool Children at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University Demonstration School. Journal of Graduate Research, 6(2), 14–24. retrieved from
Research Article


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