Development of a Competency-Based Enrichment Curriculum Based on Phenomenon-Based Learning and Service-Learning Approaches to Enhance Global Competence of Student Teachers
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The objectives of this study were to: 1) study basic data for curriculum design and development, 2) develop a competency-based enrichment curriculum according to the concepts of phenomenon-based learning and service learning approaches to enhance the global competence of student teachers, 3) implement the curriculum and 4) assess and improve the curriculum. The study procedure included four stages: 1) study basic information; 2) create and verify the quality of the curriculum; 3) implement the curriculum; 4) assess and improve the curriculum. Effectiveness was investigated by using the elementary education curriculum for an experiment with 32 third-year students majoring in the four-year program Bachelor of Education at Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University, academic year 2022. Cluster random sampling was employed through the one-group pretest-posttest design. The study instruments included: a test of knowledge and understanding, a critical thinking test, a creative problem-solving test, a form for assessing global skills, a form for assessing desirable characteristics, a form for assessing global service projects, a questionnaire of satisfaction, and a form for after-action review. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis.
The findings were as follows: 1) The developed curriculum consists of nine elements as follows: background and importance, principles, aims, competencies and indicators, curriculum structure, learning units, learning process, media and learning resources, and guidelines for learning assessment. The global competency framework comprised 11 competencies and 47 indicators. The learning process was divided into two phases: Phase 1 involved phenomenon-based learning activities, and Phase 2 involved social service-learning activities. 2) The assessment of the effectiveness of the curriculum was found as follows: 2.1) The student teachers had higher knowledge and understanding after the treatment than before and achieved 70 percent, which was significantly higher than the set criterion at the .01 level. 2.2) The student teachers had significantly higher skills and characteristics after the treatment than before at the .01 level. 2.3) The student teachers had a good level of global competence through global service projects. 2.4) The student teachers had satisfaction with learning through the curriculum at the highest level.
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