The Model Development to Enhance of Teacher Competencies in Learning Management for Promoting Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking Skills of Elementary School Students
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the context and the need of enhancing teacher competency in learning management for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills of elementary students; 2) design and develop, and try out the model of enhancing teacher competency for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills of elementary students. The target groups were the supervisors, the directors, Thai language teachers, grade 3 and grade 4 students selected by using purposive sampling. The research instruments were a cognitive assessment form, and an assessment instrument of reading, writing and analytical thinking skills. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The findings of the research were as follows: 1) The context of enhancing teacher competency in learning management for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills of elementary students showed that overall, the teachers used uninteresting instructional materials with learning management for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills. Besides, the instructional models hardly concentrated on Active Learning. Teachers required to enhance competency in learning management, teaching technique, the production of instructional materials, the design of effective assessment form that corresponds with different levels of learners and professional learning community. 2) The model of enhancing teacher competency in learning management for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills of elementary students consisted of three components: 1) the model principle, 2) the purpose of the model, and 3) the main component and subcomponent of the model. The model had appropriateness at a high level and the concordance was at the highest level. 3) Teachers had knowledge and understanding about enhancing teacher competency in learning management for promoting reading, writing and analytical thinking skills. Overall, teachers’ knowledge and understanding were at a high level and after using the model, students’ learning achievement in Thai subject was higher than before experiment.
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