Promoting learning and learning support mechanisms for stateless children and migrant workers’ children
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This study aims to investigate the conditions and challenges surrounding the promotion of learning for stateless children and migrant workers' children, as well as to synthesize the models and learning support mechanisms for stateless children and migrant workers' children. The key informants included informal teachers, academics, and others involved in providing learning support for stateless and migrant workers’ children, selected through the purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were the document study form, interview form, participant observation form, and focus group discussion guideline. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and inductive analysis. After that, the accuracy of data analysis was verified through data source triangulation.
The findings revealed that 1) the government and private sector had been making efforts to promote learning for stateless children and migrant workers' children in both formal and non-formal educational contexts such as learning centers and homeschools continuously, but there is still a problem of ethnocentrism, language and age conditions, and a shortage of teachers that hindered the implementation of the operation as it should be; and 2) the model used to promote their learning consists of six components including access to children, analyzing occupations which are necessary for the children’s self-reliance, devising lesson plans, operating according to the lessons plans, assessing the outcomes, and providing the venue for the children to sell their products and present their identity. The learning support mechanisms comprises six mechanisms which are collaboratively adjusting criteria or standards, creating a database to identify children, assigning individuals responsible for each area and allocating budgets and incentives: teachers, children, parents, and stakeholders from education management, investigating problems, needs, and readiness for learning with the support from the community, flexibly providing educational activities both in formal and informal contexts with the use of authentic assessments, and tracking, following, transferring, and developing a database for children’s graduation and vocational skills in accordance with their individual needs and potentials.
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