The Development of Learning and Integrated Mathematical Thinking Skills by Using the 7e Learning Cycle Activities with Community Resources for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students

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สุดเฉลียว ไทยกรรณ์
พิชญ์สินี ชมภูคำ
พวงพยอม ชิดทอง


This research study aimed to 1) develop mathematics learning activities on measurement using the 7E learning cycle together with community learning resources for Matthayom 2 students at Soemngam witthayakhom School under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 35, 2) investigate the students’ mathematics learning achievement on measurement using 7E learning cycle together with community learning resources, and 3) examine the students’ integrated thinking skills in mathematics. The sample was a class of 34 Matthayom 2 students in the first semester of the 2018 Academic year at Soemngamwitthayakhom School chosen by the cluster sampling method. The study was based on an educational innovation research and development. Statistics employed to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, mode, t-test (Paired-test) and Z-test.

            The findings revealed that

  1. The mathematics lesson plans using the 7E learning cycle together with community learning resources for Matthayom 2 students on measurement included lesson plans on the history of measurement, length measurement, area measurement, volume measurement, weight measurement, and time measurement. Learning resources and materials integrated during the learning activities consisted of parts of a human body, classrooms, school buildings, a library, a canteen, a temple, rectangular prism boxes, cylindrical cans, students, family members, clocks and calendars. The lesson plans had the effectiveness ratio of 79.22/84.19 which was higher than the pre-determined criterion of 75/75.

  2. The students’ mathematics learning achievement on measurement in the aspects of knowledge after the learning activities was higher than before with a statistical significance of .01. More than seventy percent of them possessed the mathematical process skills at a high level or above. As for the evaluation of the students’ integrity and desirable characteristics, over fifty-eight percent of the students was rated at a very high level.

  3. For students’ integrated thinking skills in mathematics, more than seventy percent of the students established the skills at a high level or above with the statistical significance of .05.

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How to Cite
ไทยกรรณ์ ส., ชมภูคำ พ., & ชิดทอง พ. (2019). The Development of Learning and Integrated Mathematical Thinking Skills by Using the 7e Learning Cycle Activities with Community Resources for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students. Journal of Graduate Research, 10(2), 17–38. Retrieved from
Research Article


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