Factors Affecting Intention to Quit of Generation Y Staff in Autopart Manufacturers in Laemchabang Industrail Estate

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จุฑารัตน์ อันวิเศษ
จิราพร ระโหฐาน


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the factors affecting in intention to quit of generation Y staff in autopart manufacturers were, Laem Chabang industrial estate, 2) to compare their intention to quit by personal factors, and 3) to examine the influence of the factors over their intention to quit. The sample group of this study was 334 generation Y employees and the questionnaire was use to collect the data. The data were statistically analyzed for percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, variance analysis (one-way ANOVA), comparing differences in pairs by LSD and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that 1) the opinions of the generation Y employees on internal management was at a high level ( = 4.10). 2) The generation Y employees had different levels of intention to quit in accordance with personal factors. Their income and marital status statistically affected their intention to quit at the 0.05 level. 3) The factors influencing their intention to quit were working environment (β = 0.26) and job satisfaction (β = 0.24). They were found to have the influence over their intention at the significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
อันวิเศษ จ., & ระโหฐาน จ. (2019). Factors Affecting Intention to Quit of Generation Y Staff in Autopart Manufacturers in Laemchabang Industrail Estate. Journal of Graduate Research, 10(1), 205–217. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/banditvijai/article/view/177880
Research Article


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