The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Teachers Affectting the Work Happiness of Administrators in Private School Under Regional Education Office No. 10

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ชญานิษฏ์ ชัยเชียงพิณ
วันทนา อมตาริยกุล
นวัตกร หอมสิน


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of the organizational citizenship behaviors of private schools’ teachers under Regional Education Office No. 10 2) to study the level of the work happiness of private schools’ administrators under Regional Education Office No. 10 3) to study the relationship between the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers and the work happiness of private schools’ administrators under Regional Education Office No. 10 and 4) to set forecast equations of the work happiness of administrators of private schools under Regional Education Office No. 10. The sample used in this research were 103 administrators from stratified random sampling. The research instrument was the 5-level-rating scale questionnaire of the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers with the discriminations of .28 - .73 and the reliabilities of .93 and the work happiness of administrators of private schools with the discriminations of .28 - .84 and
the reliabilities of .95. The data were analyzed by frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient and the stepwise multiple regression.

The results revealed; 1) The organizational citizenship behaviors of private schools’ teachers under Regional Education Office No. 10 were at the high level. 2) The work happiness of private schools’ administrators under Regional Education Office No. 10 were at the high level. 3) The organizational citizenship behaviors of private schools’ teachers and the work happiness of private schools’ administrators under Regional Education Office No. 10 had positive correlation. And 4) The organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers consist of tolerance factor, cooperation factor and assistance factor were predictor of the work happiness of private schools’ administrators under Regional Education Office No. 10 with the multiple correlation coefficients equals to .80
(R = .80), the predictors accounted for 64.60 percent of the variance (R2 = .646) and the forecast equations were as follows:

Equation of raw score:

   = 0.399 + .394(X3) + .264(X4) + .235 (X1)

Equation of standard score:

   = .381(X3) + .362(X4) + .272(X1)

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How to Cite
ชัยเชียงพิณ ช., อมตาริยกุล ว., & หอมสิน น. (2019). The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Teachers Affectting the Work Happiness of Administrators in Private School Under Regional Education Office No. 10. Journal of Graduate Research, 10(1), 115–135. retrieved from
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